Hope By The Sea would like to wish everyone in recovery a safe and sober Christmas. Many of you will travel in the coming days, and we hope that you remember to utilize the tools of sobriety on the road. Holidays can be especially trying, and people in recovery must be mindful of their mental state in response to any stressors that may arise. Fortunately, those who practice the principles of recovery in all their affairs are able to overcome the difficulties that many people experience this time of year.
This coming Tuesday is Christmas, and New Year’s Eve is less than one week after. It is crucial that people in early recovery begin outlining what the coming days will entail. Those who create a schedule, and stick to it as best they can, will mitigate the risk of facing unknown variables that can derail one’s program.
A good many people in recovery find the holiday season a time of emotional upheaval. Such people must be ever-vigilant in their pursuit of progress. Men and women who let down their sobriety defenses around Christmas and NYE risk sacrificing their hard work toward leading a fulfilling and productive life. Conversely, individuals who take advantage of their healthy coping mechanisms can ward off triggers and cravings to use, and find themselves sober when the holidays are behind us.
Vigilant Recovery Through The Holidays
With about three days until Christmas people in recovery have an opportunity to prepare. If you are traveling, it is a good practice to keep your cell phone charged; it is paramount always to be able to reach someone in your support network. Make sure you have all your peers’ relevant contact information. It is impossible to know ahead of time how often you will need to reach out for guidance, but one should always be prepared.
Naturally, attending meetings should be a part of your holiday recovery strategy. Meeting makers make it, especially during the holiday season. Those staying local for Christmas will benefit from being present at your home group and attending supplementary meetings, as needed. Men and women traveling can find AA and NA meetings by clicking on the respective links. Attending meetings before and after a holiday gathering is an effective method of preparing for family time, and grounding oneself after.
Holidays are also an ideal opportunity to practice gratitude. Expressing thanks to the people who help you on the road to recovery is an excellent means of keeping things in perspective. Some individuals may find service opportunities this Tuesday; the meetings being held around-the-clock are sure to provide chances to lend a hand. Giving back is another technique for getting out of your head; one’s mind is not the safest place to dwell during times when emotions are apt to run high. The simple act of introducing yourself to a newcomer next week is a beautiful way to pay it forward; a simple act of kindness may help prevent another recovering addict or alcoholic from a relapse.
Help Is Always A Phone Call Away, In Recovery
Addiction recovery is about community. Members are a collective of men and women determined to help each other, help themselves stay clean and sober. So, reaching out for assistance is never an inconvenience, no matter the time of day. It is much easier for your peers to help you stay sober than it is to help you recommit to the program after an incident. If you are experiencing difficulties this coming holiday, pick up the phone and ask for guidance. Together, we find and maintain lasting recovery.
Please reach out to Hope By The Sea if you encounter problems that necessitate more significant assistance. We can help you get back on the road to long-term addiction recovery.