outside of Hope by the Sea, addiction recovery and mental health facility
substance abuse as self-harm

Types of Self-Harm

Reading time: 2 min Self-harm is a misunderstood, stigmatized behavioral pattern in which people intentionally injure and hurt themselves. Typically, self-harm does not indicate suicidal intent; instead, it is

panic disorder

What Is Panic Disorder?

Reading time: 2 min Panic disorder is a mental health condition marked by repeated surges of overwhelming fear and distress that strike without warning, often without any apparent cause.

drug withdrawal symptoms

Common Drug Withdrawal Symptoms

Reading time: 2 min Drug withdrawal can be a challenging and dangerous experience, marked by a series of physical and psychological symptoms that vary widely in intensity and duration.

the relationship between alcohol and anxiety

The Relationship Between Anxiety and Alcohol

Reading time: 2 min Many people use alcohol to self-medicate anxiety, drawn by its calming effects and ability to quiet a racing mind. Unfortunately, this temporary solace can lead

alcohol blackout

The Dangers of Alcohol Blackout

Reading time: 2 min For many, waking up with fragmented or completely missing memories of the previous night is a jarring experience that drives home the immediate dangers of

ptsd awareness

Common Triggers of PTSD

Reading time: 2 min Post-traumatic stress disorder can affect anyone after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. PTSD Awareness Month this June gives us a chance to spotlight this

brain plasticity

How Does Addiction Affect the Brain?

Reading time: 2 min Understanding addiction as a severe and complex illness that fundamentally alters brain structure and function is a crucial part of recovery. Here’s a closer look

high-functioning alcoholism

What Is a High-Functioning Alcoholic?

Reading time: 2 min Media depictions have given us a stereotypical image of a “high-functioning” alcoholic – someone who manages to maintain their job, family life and social commitments

does the va cover mental health

Does the VA Cover Mental Health?

Reading time: 3 min Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall wellness, especially for veterans who may face unique challenges due to their service. The Department of Veterans