substance abuse treatment

Please answer yes or no to the following questions:

1. Do you lose sleep because of a loved ones' problem with alcohol or drugs?
2. Do your thoughts revolve around the problems of drinking or drug use?
3. Do you make him/her promise to do things he/she may not be able to keep?
4. Do you make threats you don't follow through on?
5. Do you at times love, and at times hate, the loved one for drinking or using drugs?
6. Do you mark, hide, dilute and/or empty out alcohol or dispose of their drugs?
7. Do you believe everything will be all right if your loved one quit or cut down?
8. Do you feel alone, fearful, or anxious a lot of the time?
9. Are you beginning to dislike yourself or are you losing self-respect?
10. Do you sometimes question the accuracy of your thinking or your sanity?
11. Do you feel responsible or guilty for the drinker's actions?
12. Do you try to conceal, deny, or protect the person using drugs or alcohol?
13. Have you kept to yourself, or out of public situations, because of being embarrassed about the things the person has done or will do while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
14. Have you taken over responsibilities your family member would ordinarily do?
15. Do you feel responsible for all the family affairs, including bills and finances?
16. Do you feel the need to justify or rationalize your actions?
17. Do you feel smug or self-righteous compared to the person who uses alcohol/drugs?
18. Do the children take sides?
19. Do the kids sometimes wonder why you can't control the other's drinking or using?
20. Do the kids excuse the intoxicated person because they know his/her actions are because of alcohol or drugs, but then wonder what is wrong with you?

Total Results:   0

These are some of the things that occur in a family where an addiction exists. If you have answered yes to three or more questions, there is a good chance that your loved one needs help.

At Hope By The Sea’s California drug rehab, it is our belief that drug and alcohol addiction affects families as a whole.  Successful healing and recovery requires more than just treatment and education for the addicted individual.  Research and experience tell us that family involvement in recovery is imperative to understand the complexities of addiction. Our intensive three-day Family Program focuses on educating, empowering and supporting families who want to be best prepared to help their loved one be successful in their recovery.   Our approach to recovery is action and solution-oriented.

Families come to Hope By The Sea wanting to know how they can “fix” their loved one.  Families need to realize that while they are powerless over their loved one’s substance abuse and behavior and cannot change it, they can change themselves.  We encourage family members to find a solution for themselves and begin their own recovery.  By taking care of ‘self’ they become the best aid in the recovery of both their loved one and themselves.

There are times when the addicted person refuses to participate in any treatment program.  Even in this situation, families are encouraged to attend our Family Program to embrace their own healing and recovery needs.  It is not unusual for the family to seek help first, and for their loved one to follow.

When addiction is involved, it becomes impossible to maintain a healthy, functioning family system.  Family members are affected physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and spiritually.  As the destructive progression of the disease progresses, many family members become so focused on their loved one that they lose the ability to take care of themselves.

Physically, you may suffer from stress-related illnesses.  You may not be eating well, sleeping well or exercising.

Mentally, you can become obsessed, preoccupied and forgetful.  You may have a hard time concentrating because of worrying or racing thoughts.  You can also develop mental defenses similar to the addict or alcoholic, such as denial and minimization.

Emotionally, you may be anxious, fearful, depressed, lonely, angry and overwhelmed, but the common way for dealing with these feelings is to bury them.  Burying feelings can result in physical problems and overreacting to minor incidents because of a buildup of unresolved tension.

Socially, you might withdraw and become isolated, ceasing to participate in activities and hobbies that were once enjoyable.  You can become disconnected from yourself, others and life.

Spiritually, you might find yourself violating your values to protect the addict or alcoholic and over time begin to lose faith, hope and a purpose for living.

The goals of our Family Program are to:

Hotel Accommodations

residential recovery
Family Owned and Operated
Operated Established Care Since 2003

We give hope. The miracle of recovery can be yours too!