outside of Hope by the Sea, addiction recovery and mental health facility
how PTSD impacts relationships

How PTSD Impacts Relationships

Reading time: 2 min Military veterans carry the weight of traumatic experiences from their service that can uniquely challenge their personal lives, including post-traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, PTSD can

bed rotting

What Is ‘Bed Rotting’?

Reading time: 2 min A TikTok trend called “bed rotting” has recently captured widespread attention, particularly among younger audiences. This fad involves spending extended periods in bed – not

power of alone time

The Power of Alone Time

Reading time: 2 min In a world that equates busyness with productivity, many people hate and even fear the idea of being alone. However, embracing solitude can be one

sleep deprivation

Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Reading time: 2 min National Sleep Awareness Month, observed throughout March, is an ideal opportunity to highlight the critical role sleep plays in your overall health and well-being. Sleep

women veterans

Women Veterans, Mental Health and Recovery

Reading time: 2 min International Women’s Day on March 8 is the perfect opportunity to spotlight women veterans who have bravely and honorably served our country. Despite their invaluable

alcohol addiction

How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?

Reading time: 2 min In a culture where social gatherings often revolve around drinks, it can be challenging to gauge how much alcohol is too much. However, understanding the

how to quit drinking

How to Quit Drinking

Reading time: 2 min Quitting drinking allows you to rediscover joy and satisfaction, enjoying improved physical and mental health without alcohol holding you back. While you may understand these

natural high

What Is a Natural High?

Reading time: 2 min Finding pure, unadulterated joy in everyday activities can seem like a distant concept if you tend to seek instant gratification with drugs and alcohol. However,