suicidal tendencies and addiction
Reading time: 2 min

National Suicide Prevention Week is a time for reflection, understanding and heightened awareness of the struggles many people face every day. Substance use disorder is a significant and often overlooked factor contributing to suicidal thoughts and tendencies. This blog post will illuminate the intricate relationship between addiction and suicide, emphasizing the importance of seeking help.

Substance Use and Suicidal Tendencies

The connection between substance misuse and suicidal tendencies is profound, amplifying the challenges of treatment and recovery.

  • Sobering numbers: Addiction makes people significantly more vulnerable to suicidal ideation, attempts and deaths.
  • Intoxication and impulsivity: Research suggests that the risk of suicide is particularly high during periods of acute intoxication. For instance, alcohol can lower inhibitions, impair judgment and increase impulsivity – all of which can lead to tragic decisions. One study found suicidal behavior increased sevenfold during the 24-hour period following alcohol intoxication.

Why Substance Use Amplifies Suicidal Thoughts

An in-depth look into addiction’s psychological and physiological impacts uncovers the harrowing reasons it causes suicidal ideation and behavior.

  1. Escaping pain: Often, people with addiction are also battling underlying mental health issues or traumatic experiences. Using substances might be an attempt to numb this anguish, but it exacerbates mental health struggles, leading to feelings of hopelessness and, in some cases, suicidal ideation.
  2. The vicious cycle: As substance abuse progresses, it can lead to job loss, fractured relationships, financial strain and legal problems. These added stressors can amplify feelings of despair and worthlessness, feeding into suicidal tendencies.
  3. Biochemical impact: Chronic substance abuse can also alter brain chemistry, affecting mood-regulating neurotransmitters and potentially leading to severe depression and anxiety, both of which can enhance suicidal ideation.
  4. Feeling trapped: People desperate to stop drinking or using might feel stuck. They want to quit, but find themselves caught in a relentless cycle of use and withdrawal. This sense of entrapment and the belief that there’s no way out can push some to consider ending their lives.

Combating Addiction and Suicidal Ideation Together

If you’re struggling with substance use and suicidal thoughts, there’s a way out, and it begins with recognizing the problem. At Hope by the Sea, we provide compassionate care for people who need help overcoming addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

  • Personalized treatment plans: We recognize no two clients are the same, and we’ll develop a tailored treatment strategy to cater to your specific needs and goals.
  • Dual-diagnosis care: Our holistic approach ensures you receive comprehensive care to simultaneously address addiction and underlying mental health disorders like depression and PTSD.
  • A supportive environment: Our family has firsthand experience with the disease of addiction, and have helped hundreds of people rebuild their lives.

This National Suicide Prevention Week, let’s amplify the conversation about the undeniable connection between substance use disorders and suicide. Hope by the Sea is here to help anyone who feels like there’s no way out, offering a lifeline that puts recovery within reach. Connect with us today to learn more.