failed intervention
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after a failed intervention

It can be challenging for someone to recognize their own addictive behaviors. When a loved one shows signs of an addiction to drugs or alcohol, but is unable or unwilling to admit to it, you may need an intervention for that individual. However, what happens after a failed intervention? What should you and your family do next?

Intervention is Not Treatment

While you may be anxious about getting your loved one into an addiction treatment program, intervention is actually a preliminary step rather than treatment itself. If successful, intervention will lead to a program that will help your loved one get the treatment they need to move forward in their recovery.

An intervention does allow you to present the opportunity to your loved one to accept their problem and to make changes before their problem becomes worse. Your intervention, guided by a professional, can give you a chance to offer examples of how destructive addiction can be. You can also make clear the consequences that your loved one may face if they do not choose to accept a treatment plan for their addiction.

What to Expect

Before your loved one gets involved in the intervention, you and your family will meet with a professional who will discuss with you the details of the session. You will choose a safe place and a time that works for your family and that will be a surprise to your loved one who needs help. Although the professional interventionist will mediate the meeting, you and your family will have the conversation with your loved one, letting them know how you feel about their addiction.

Expect your loved one to feel betrayed and angry, among other emotions. However, you should remain firm in your focus on the intervention, as your loved one’s addiction can have much more devastating consequences than getting upset with you. If the intervention is successful, your loved one will be able to get the help they need for a healthier life.

When an Intervention Fails

Even with the best of intentions, you and your family may not be able to convince your loved one that they have a problem or that they need help. Your loved one may not be ready to take responsibility for their addictive behavior. If your loved one refuses to enter addiction treatment, do not lose hope, even after a failed intervention.

You should also be prepared for additional behavior problems after the intervention is over, which may complicate your relationship. Again, remember that the addiction can lead to much worse issues, including overdose and even death. Focus on remaining patient and understanding.

Be firm with your plans for the consequences for your loved one not seeking treatment. Refusing to continue to enable your loved one can help them realize the impact their addiction has on their family. It may even encourage them to eventually seek the treatment they need.

The Next Step

Know that not all interventions are successful. After a failed intervention, be prepared for your loved one to erupt in anger or to accuse you of betrayal. Stay firm in your conviction to follow through with the changes you presented during the intervention.

Remove yourself from the destructive situation. If you, your children, or other members of your family are in danger, remember that even though you don’t have control over your loved one’s behavior, you do have control over what you need to do to ensure everyone’s safety.

Remain hopeful for your loved one’s recognition of their problem. You and your family can make changes in your own lives that will help you while you continue to show your loved one how their addictive behaviors are hurting themselves and everyone around them. Stop enabling their destructive cycle of behavior. Continue to encourage your loved one and other members of your family to move forward with hope for making positive changes in their lives.

Professional Interventions for Your Loved One

We know that it is a struggle for you when your loved one cannot or does not want to admit they have an addiction and need treatment. At Hope by the Sea, we offer highly successful interventions for you and your family. Our trained California interventionist will work with you to help you understand the steps you need to take to help your loved one. For more information, contact us to get help for your loved one today. Hope Starts Here!