organizations fighting addiction
Reading time: 3 min

Drug addiction in the United States continues to be at the forefront of national discourse. Time and time again, we at Hope By The Sea have covered breaking developments regarding addiction science, prevention, and treatment. We have shared with countless readers the hard realities that face Americans living with untreated use disorders and mental illness. One of our top priorities is to inform as many people as possible that addiction recovery is possible, and that seeking help improves one’s ability to heal significantly.

Addiction science and recovery modalities have changed in many ways over the years. Not long ago, there were few options for people battling mental illness. Today, there are several different programs one can turn to for help, thousands of evidence-based treatment centers, and 12 Step subgroups galore. The centers with distinguished reputations in providing families with relief from mental illness typically rely on a combination of specialized therapies to promote long-term recovery.

While treatment centers like Hope By The Sea are on the front-lines of the American addiction crisis, it is essential to highlight the efforts of several organizations that contribute to ending the stigma of addiction and promoting recovery. Such as the American Society of Addiction Medicine, National Alliance On Mental Illness, and divisions of the National Institutes of Health like NIDA and NIAAA. We would also like to draw your attention to two other organizations who have made serious contributions to the field.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and Center on Addiction Merger

Center on AddictionSince 1992, the Center on Addiction, a science-based, multidisciplinary organization has been dedicated to changing Americans understanding of and response to the disease of addiction. For more than a quarter century, the organization has been a vanguard of addiction research in their quest to develop methods for combating and treating the disease.

The organization has a fascinating history which is worth becoming familiar with, especially since the Center is merging with another vital organization dedicated to fighting the misconceptions surrounding use disorders. As of January 1st, 2019, the Center on Addiction and the Partnership for Drug-free Kids is now one. With the nation facing unprecedented addiction and overdose rates, the need for a coordinated effort is more significant than ever. Many of our readers, and particularly parents, are probably familiar with the Partnership’s mission. As their website states, “We are the only national nonprofit committed to supporting the whole family as they address every aspect of substance use and addiction, from prevention to recovery.”

Over the years, The Partnership for Drug-free Kids has created helpful PSAs to educate Americans about both the dangers of substance use and some of the solutions. After careful considerations about how to be most effective in the ever-changing landscape of drug use in the United States, the two organizations felt they could be most effective through collaboration. Creighton Drury, CEO of Center on Addiction, writes:  

This merger is the result of a lot of deep reflection on both organizations’ parts, as well as a desperate need from our country for more leadership in the movement to end addiction. Last year, we witnessed a record number of deaths due to drug overdoses. That is unacceptable. To make a significant impact and save lives, we need more compassion and more innovation. By combining our two organizations, we now have the comprehensive tools we need to truly fulfill our mission: Center on Addiction is dedicated to transform how our nation addresses addiction.

The Miracle of Addiction Recovery Can Be Yours Too

At Hope By The Sea, we invite you to experience the miracle of recovery. We can assist you in taking back your life and teach you how to lead a life free from drugs and alcohol. Our center offers the clients a choice between several different recovery tracks—each one designed to meet the unique needs of each person. Please contact us today to learn more about our innovative addiction recovery and co-occurring disorder programs.